






Lesson #32

時制の感覚 (1)






A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that their authorized signer is out of town.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they had already paid.

A: 彼ら、まだ払ってないって?この請求書は支払い期限を60日過ぎてるぞ。彼らの今回の言い訳は何だい?
B: 署名権限のある人間が出張中だといってる。
A: 新しい言い訳だな。前回の言い訳はなんだった?
B: すでに支払い済だって言ったな。

【They haven’t paid yet?】

「支払い期限を過ぎた」。同義語は past due (past-due)
さらに、常用する語に outstanding(未払いの)がありますが、これは必ずしも overdue / past due になっているとは限らず、全ての未払いを含む表現です。

【They’re saying~】

【They said that they had already paid.】
支払ったのは過去の一時点から見た過去なので、had already paid と過去完了を使っています。


【they would like to return our goods 当社の商品を返品したい】
(goods 商品、品物、物品)
【they had not received our invoice 当社のインボイスを受け取っていなかった】
【their customers aren’t paying them 彼らの顧客が支払いをしない】
【they were having poor cash flow キャッシュフローに問題があった】
【their authorized signer is out of town 彼らの署名権限のある人間が出張中】


They’re saying that their authorized signer is out of town.

They’re saying that they would like to return our goods.
They’re saying that their customers aren’t paying them.
They’re saying that their authorized signer is out of town.


They said that they had already paid.

They said that they had not received our invoice.
They said that they were having poor cash flow.
They said that they had already paid.


A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that their authorized signer is out of town.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they had already paid.


A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that they would like to return our goods.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they had not received our invoice.

A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that their customers aren’t paying them.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they were having poor cash flow.

A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that their authorized signer is out of town.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they had already paid.


A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that they would like to return our goods.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they had not received our invoice.

A: They haven’t paid yet? This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?
B: They’re saying that their customers aren’t paying them.
A: That’s a new one. What was their excuse last time?
B: They said that they were having poor cash flow.


This invoice is 60 days overdue. What’s their excuse this time?

Lesson #26








I’m afraid I have to disagree.



【I have a different opinion. 私の意見は違います。】
I’m afraid I have a different opinion.

【I have a different view on this. これに関する私の見方は違います。】
I’m afraid I have a different view on this.

【I have a completely different view on this matter. この件に関する私の見方は全く違います。】
I’m afraid I have a completely different view on this matter.

【I don’t agree with you on that point. その点に関して、あなたと意見が合いません。】
I’m afraid I don’t agree with you on that point.

【I can’t accept those conditions. 私はそれらの条件を受諾することはできません。】
I’m afraid I can’t accept those conditions.

【We can’t accept those terms. 我々はそれらの条件を受諾することはできません。】
I’m afraid we can’t accept those terms.

【We can’t accept your offer. あなたのオファーを受諾することはできません。】
I’m afraid we can’t accept your offer.

【I’m still not convinced by your explanation. あなたの説明にいまだに納得できません。】
I’m afraid I’m still not convinced by your explanation.

【I’m still not convinced by your argument. あなたの論拠・議論にいまだに納得できません。】
I’m afraid I’m still not convinced by your argument.
(argument 論拠、(議論の)根拠)



I totally agree with you.

(totally は文末に置いても I agree with you totally. としても良いです。basically, partly も同様。)


【I basically agree with you. / I agree with you basically. 基本的に同意します。】

【I partly agree with you. / I agree with you partly. 部分的に同意します。】

【I agree with you almost entirely. ほとんど完全に同意します。】

【I agree with you on the whole. 全体的に見れば同意します。】

【I agree with you up to a point. あるところまで同意します。】

【I agree with you except for one thing. 一点を除いて同意します。】

【I agree with you except for one thing about the delivery method. 納入方法・配送方法に関する一点以外は同意します。】

【I agree with you except for one thing regarding the delivery method. 納入方法・配送方法に関する一点以外は同意します。】
(regarding:about の、やや堅い言い方。with regard to も同様。)

【I agree with you except for two points. One is that… The second point is that… 二つのポイント以外は同意します。一つは…。二つめのポイントは・・・】





  1. LESSON 1 指示を与える (1)
  2. LESSON 2 指示を与える (2)
  3. LESSON 3 指示を与える (3)
  4. LESSON 4 指示を与える (4)
  5. LESSON 5 指示を与える (5) 【ドリル】
  6. LESSON 6 指示を与える (6) 【ドリル】
  7. LESSON 7 重文・複文パターン (1) 【ドリル】
  8. LESSON 8 間接的に指示を与える (1)
  9. LESSON 9 指示や依頼 【ドリル】
  10. LESSON 10 間接的に指示を与える (2)
  11. LESSON 11 間接的に指示を与える (3)
  12. LESSON 12 疑問詞+to 不定詞:「I’m afraid not.」の使い方
  13. LESSON 13 「I’m afraid~」のパターン:間接的に人に質問してもらう 【ドリル】
  14. LESSON 14 問題点の指摘 (1)
  15. LESSON 15 問題点の指摘 (2)
  16. LESSON 16 問題点の指摘 (3)
  17. LESSON 17 重要な事柄を伝える 【ドリル】
  18. LESSON 18 Seem を使ってワンクッション置く 【ドリル】
  19. LESSON 19 課題提起・提案 (1)
  20. LESSON 20 課題提起・提案 (2)
  21. LESSON 21 提案法 (1) 【ドリル】
  22. LESSON 22 提案法 (2) 【ドリル】
  23. LESSON 23 意見を述べる・求める (1)
  24. LESSON 24 意見を述べる・求める (2)
  25. LESSON 25 意見を述べる・求める (3)
  26. LESSON 26 賛成と反対のさまざまな度合い 【ドリル】
  27. LESSON 27 Let me know + 疑問詞 / if~
  28. LESSON 28 便利な関係詞 (1)
  29. LESSON 29 関係代名詞、関係副詞
  30. LESSON 30 「~することになっている、~のはず」 <be supposed to と expect>
  31. LESSON 番外編1 最低限おさえたい発音 - 似ている母音の区別 (1)
  32. LESSON 31 be supposed to 【ドリル】
  33. LESSON 32 時制の感覚 (1)
  34. LESSON 33 謝罪 【ドリル】
  35. LESSON 34 洗練された依頼方法 【ドリル】
  36. LESSON 35 時制の感覚 (2)
  37. LESSON 番外編2 最低限おさえたい発音 - 似ている母音の区別 (2)
  38. LESSON 36 Work on~:現在完了形 【ドリル】
  39. LESSON 37 進捗状況報告の催促
  40. LESSON 38 情報共有 「Let me~」を使った表現
  41. LESSON 39 便利な疑問詞:I’m not sure + 疑問詞 / if〜 【ドリル】
  42. LESSON 40 課題提起・提案 (3)
  43. LESSON 番外編3 最低限おさえたい発音 (3)
  44. LESSON 41 重文・複文パターン (2) 【ドリル】
  45. LESSON 42 課題提起・提案 (4)
  46. LESSON 43 重文・複文パターン (3) 【ドリル】
  47. LESSON 44 便利な関係詞 (2) 【ドリル】
  48. LESSON 45 分詞の使い方 (1)
  49. LESSON 46 分詞の使い方 (2)
  50. LESSON 47 繊細な問題を語る (1)
  51. LESSON 48 繊細な問題を語る (2)
  52. LESSON 49 繊細な問題を語る (3)
  53. LESSON 番外編4 部下の相談に乗る (1)
  54. LESSON 50 丁寧に依頼する、丁寧に許可を求める、感謝する 【ドリル】
  55. LESSON 番外編5 部下の相談に乗る (2)
  56. LESSON 51 繊細な問題を語る (4)
  57. LESSON 52 繊細な問題を語る (5)
  58. LESSON 53 提案法 (3)
  59. LESSON 54 賛否両論・メリットとデメリット
  60. LESSON 55 提案と反論
  61. LESSON 番外編6 英語のリズム - 知って得する機能語の弱形
  62. LESSON 56 選択肢 (1)
  63. LESSON 57 選択肢 (2)
  64. LESSON 58 可能性 (1)
  65. LESSON 59 可能性 (2) 【ドリル】
  66. LESSON 60 問題追究
  67. LESSON 61 誤解の訂正・相手の意見の確認 (1)
  68. LESSON 62 誤解の訂正・相手の意見の確認 (2)


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