LESSON 17 重要な事柄を伝える 【ドリル】
He needs to understand the importance of keeping everyone informed.
【respond to our customers right away 顧客に即座に応答する】
He needs to understand the importance of responding to our customers right away.
He must understand the importance of responding to our customers right away.
【pay attention to details 細かい点に気を配る】
He must understand the importance of paying attention to details.
They must all understand the importance of paying attention to details.
【follow 5S guidance 5Sガイドラインに従う】
They must all understand the importance of following 5S guidance.
【We all need to remind ourselves 私達は皆わすれてはならない、思い起こす必要がある】
We all need to remind ourselves of the importance of following 5S guidance.
【follow the proper procedure 正規のプロセスに従う】
We all need to remind ourselves of the importance of following the proper procedure.
【We must remember 私達は心に留めておく必要がある、忘れてはならない】
We must remember the importance of following the proper procedure.
【She needs to realize 彼女は気づく(悟る、自覚する、明確に理解する)必要がある】
She needs to realize the importance of following the proper procedure.
【be proactive to prevent problems トラブルを防ぐため、事前対策を講じる】
She needs to realize the importance of being proactive to prevent problems.
He needs to realize the importance of being proactive to prevent problems.
【keep everyone informed 全員に情報を行き渡らせておく】
He needs to realize the importance of keeping everyone informed.
【come to work on time 時間通り出社する】
He needs to realize the importance of coming to work on time.
【They got to understand 彼らは理解する必要がある】
They got to understand the importance of coming to work on time.
(※ got to = have got to の have を省略した形。意味は have to と同じ。アメリカでよく使われる。)
【set the machines correctly 機械のセッティングを正しく行う】
They got to understand the importance of setting the machines correctly.
【I need to remind them of 私は彼らに思い起こさせる必要がある】
I need to remind them of the importance of setting the machines correctly.
【write a daily report 日報を書く】
I need to remind them of the importance of writing a daily report.
We need to remind them of the importance of writing a daily report.
【report any problem immediately どんな問題でも即座に報告する】
We need to remind them of the importance of reporting any problem immediately.
We need to show them the importance of reporting any problem immediately.
【get to the bottom of a problem 問題の原因を突き止める】
We need to show them the importance of getting to the bottom of a problem.
He needs to understand the importance of getting to the bottom of a problem.
【do things right the first time 一度目で物事を正しく行う】
He needs to understand the importance of doing things right the first time.
He must understand the importance of doing things right the first time.
1. リピーティング