LESSON 27 Let me know + 疑問詞 / if~
Let me know+疑問詞、if〜を使った表現を練習します。
A: Let me know what you think.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know what I think.
A: あなたの考えを教えてちょうだい。
B: もちろん、必ず教えるよ。
I certainly will. も答えとして可能です。
Let me know what you think.
【what you find あなたが見つけるものを(調べるなどして判明すること)】
Let me know what you find.
【how it goes どんな調子か、どう事が進むか】
Let me know how it goes.
【how I can help どう、私が手助けできるか】
Let me know how I can help.
【when you’re ready あなたの準備ができたら】
Let me know when you're ready.
【when you’re done あなたがすんだら】
Let me know when you're done.
【when he arrives 彼が到着したら】
Let me know when he arrives.
【who I should contact 誰にコンタクトすべきか】
Let me know who I should contact.
【who’s in charge 誰が責任者か】
Let me know who's in charge.
【where to find you どこであなたを見つけるか】
Let me know where to find you.
【where you’re taking your clients to dinner どこにあなたがあなたの顧客を夕食につれていくのか】
Let me know where you're taking your clients to dinner.
【which supplier you work with どのサプライヤーとあなたが仕事をしているのか】
Let me know which supplier you work with.
【If that works for you それであなたはうまくいくのか】
Let me know if that works for you.
【if there’s any problem もし何か問題があれば】
Let me know if there's any problem.
【if there are any new developments もし何か進展があったら】
Let me know if there are any new developments.
【if you need anything もしあなたが何か必要なら】
Let me know if you need anything.
【if you have any questions もしあなたが何か質問があれば】
Let me know if you have any questions.
代入語と女性のセリフを受けて、B の男性の役になってみましょう。
A: Let me know what you find.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know what I find.
A: Let me know how it goes.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know how it goes.
A: Let me know how I can help.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know how you can help.
(これに対しては感謝を表して Thanks a lot. または I appreciate. という返し方も自然です。)
(apprecieat と thank の違い。appreciate のほうが深みがあり、相手の行為の価値を深く理解して感謝しているというニュアンス。)
A: Let me know when you’re ready.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know when I’m ready.
A: Let me know when you’re done.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know when I’m done.
A: Let me know when he arrives.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know when he arrives.
A: Let me know who I should contact.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know who you should contact.
A: Let me know who’s in charge.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know who’s in charge.
A: Let me know where to find you.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know where to find me.
A: Let me know where you’re taking your clients to dinner.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know where I’m taking my clients to dinner.
A: Let me know which supplier you work with.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know which supplier I work with.
A: Let me know if that works for you.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know if that works for me.
(そのやり方や物事のアレンジ、進め方などで、うまくいくのか。Work には「(薬やエクササイズなどの)効果がある」という意味もある。)
A: Let me know if there’re any problems.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know if there’re any problems.
(Thanks a lot. / I appreciate. という答えも可。)
A: Let me know if there are any new developments.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know if there are any new developments.
(developments [p] の音の破裂がほとんど聞こえない。)
A: Let me know if you need anything.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know if I need anything.
(Thanks a lot. / I appreciate. という答えも可。)
A: Let me know if you have any questions.
B: Sure. I’ll certainly let you know if I have any questions.