
LESSON 28 便利な関係詞 (1)






That’s what he said.



【what he wants 彼が欲しがっているもの】
That’s what he wants.

【exactly what I told him まさに私が彼に言ったこと】
That’s exactly what I told him.

【exactly what I was thinking about まさに私が考えていたこと】
That’s exactly what I was thinking about.

【what we need to do 私達が行なう必要があること】
That’s what we need to do.

【what we’re trying to fix 私達が解決しようとしていること】
That’s what we’re trying to fix.

【what we’re trying to accomplish 私達が成し遂げようとしていること】
That’s what we’re trying to accomplish.

【exactly what’s going on まさに起きていること】
That’s exactly what’s going on.

【what’s so great about this product この製品の非常にすばらしい点】
That’s what’s so great about this product.

【exactly why you want to do business with them あなたが彼らと商売をしたい、まさにその理由】
That’s exactly why you want to do business with them.

【why they’re doing so great 彼らがそれほど調子がいい理由】
That’s why they’re doing so great.

【why he’s so upset 彼がそれほど動揺している理由】
That’s why he’s so upset.

【how I look at it 私がそれを見る見方】
That’s how I look at it.

【how I found out about it 私がそれを知った方法】
That’s how I found out about it.

【how they got their business 彼らがその案件をゲットした方法】
That’s how they got their business.

【when things started to move fast いつ、物事が急速に動き出したのか】
That’s when things started to move fast.

【when they realized there was something wrong いつ、彼らが何かがおかしいと気づいたのか】
That’s when they realized there was something wrong.

【where the problem started 問題の始まった場所・箇所】
That’s where the problem started.

【where the problem lies 問題のある場所・箇所】
That’s where the problem lies.

【where I took my clients to dinner 私が自分の顧客を夕食に連れて行った場所・店】
That’s where I took my clients to dinner.


A: Do you know what he said?
B: No, I have no idea what he said.

A: 彼が何て言ったか知ってるかい?
B: いや、彼が何と言ったか見当もつかない。



A: Do you know what he wants?
B: No, I have no idea what he wants.

A: Do you know what I told him?
B: No, I have no idea what you told him.

A: Do you know what we need to do?
B: No, I have no idea what we need to do.

A: Do you know what the problem is?
B: No, I have no idea what the problem is.

A: Do you know what we’re trying to fix?
B: No, I have no idea what we’re trying to fix.

A: Do you know what’s going on?
B: No, I have no idea what’s going on.

A: Do you know what’s so great about this product?
B: No, I have no idea what’s so great about this product.

A: Do you know why you want to do business with them?
B: No, I have no idea why we want to do business with them.

A: Do you know why they’re doing so great?
B: No, I have no idea why they’re doing so great.

A: Do you know why he’s so upset?
B: No, I have no idea why he’s so upset.

A: Do you know how I look at it?
B: No, I have no idea how you look at it.

A: Do you know how I found out about it?
B: No, I have no idea how you found out about it.

A: Do you know how they got their business?
B: No, I have no idea how they got their business.

A: Do you know when things started to move fast?
B: No, I have no idea when things started to move fast.

A: Do you know when they realized there was something wrong?
B: No, I have no idea when they realized there was something wrong.

A: Do you know where the problem started?
B: No, I have no idea where the problem started.

A: Do you know where I took my clients to dinner?
B: No, I have no idea where you took your clients to dinner.

