LESSON 39 便利な疑問詞:I’m not sure + 疑問詞 / if〜 【ドリル】
I don’t know what to say.
【what to tell you あなたに何と言ったらいいか】
I don’t know what to tell you.
【what to do to prevent this from happening again これが再発するのを避けるために何をするか】
I don’t know what to do to prevent this from happening again.
He doesn’t know what to do to prevent this from happening again.
【how to address this issue この問題にどう取り組むか、どう扱っていくか】
He doesn’t know how to address this issue.
【how to go about that それについてどうするのか、どう対処すればいいのか】
He doesn’t know how to go about that.
【how to proceed with this case このケースについてどう進むか、どう前進するか】
He doesn’t know how to proceed with this case.
He didn't know how to proceed with this case.
【how to deal with this case このケースをどうやって取り扱うか】
He didn't know how to deal with this case.
【which way to go どちらに進んだらよいのか】
He didn't know which way to go.
Did he know which way to go?
【which options to choose どの選択肢を選んだらよいのか】
Did he know which options to choose?
Do we know which options to choose?
【what course of action to take どのような一連の行動をとったらよいのか】
(course of action to take (従うべき)一連の行動、(目標達成のための)行動、活動指針)
Do we know what course of action to take?
Do you know what course of action to take?
【what we are up against どのような問題・障害に直面しているのか】
Do you know what we are up against?
Does she know what we are up against?
【who to talk to about this この件で誰に話したらいいのか】
Does she know who to talk to about this?
【who to discuss this problem with この問題を誰と話し合ったらいいのか】
Does she know who to discuss this problem with?
I’m not sure if that will work.
【if it will matter それが重要なことなのか】
I’m not sure if it will matter.
【if I understand your question 私があなたの質問を理解しているか】
I’m not sure if I understand your question.
【when she’ll be back いつ彼女が戻るか】
I’m not sure when she’ll be back.
He is not sure when she’ll be back.
【how they will react 彼らがどういう反応をするか】
He is not sure how they will react.
We are not sure how they will react.
【how he will take this news 彼があのニュースをどう受け止めるか】
We are not sure how he will take this news.
【if that will work それでうまく行くかどうか】
We are not sure if that will work.
We were not sure if that would work.
We were not sure if that would matter.
I was not sure if that would matter.
I was not sure when she would be back.
I was not sure how they would react.
I was not sure how he would take that news.