LESSON 44 便利な関係詞 (2) 【ドリル】
Can you find out what she’s talking about?
【why she is so concerned なぜ彼女がそれほど懸念しているのか】
Can you find out why she is so concerned?
【when she realized there was something wrong 何か問題があることをいつ彼女が気づいたのか】
Can you find out when she realized there was something wrong?
Can you ask her when she realized there was something wrong?
【how she found out about it どうやって彼女がそれを知ったのか】
Can you ask her how she found out about it?
【who she has contacted so far 誰に彼女が今までのところコンタクトしたのか】
Can you ask her who she has contacted so far?
【if she needs anything from us 彼女が我々から何か必要なのか】
Can you ask her if she needs anything from us?
Can you ask her why she is so concerned?
【She wouldn’t tell me 彼女は私に言おうとしない】
She wouldn’t tell me why she is so concerned.
She wouldn’t tell me when she realized there was something wrong.
She wouldn’t tell me how she found out about it.
She wouldn’t tell me who she has contacted so far.
Do you think you can find out who she has contacted so far?
Do you think you can find out what she is talking about?
It depends on what he wants.
【what we’re trying to accomplish 何を我々が成し遂げようとしているのか】
It depends on what we’re trying to accomplish.
【which supplier we work with どのサプライヤーと我々が仕事をするか】
It depends on which supplier we work with.
【why you want to do business with them. なぜあなたが彼らと仕事をしたいのか】
It depends on why you want to do business with them.
【how quickly you want to see the results どのくらい素早くあなたが結果を見たいのか】
It depends on how quickly you want to see the results.
【what kind of results you want どういう種類の結果をあなたが欲しいのか】
It depends on what kind of results you want.
【who will be in charge 誰が責任者となるのか】
It depends on who will be in charge.
【where you want to take your prospective clients to dinner どこにあなたが見込み顧客を夕食に連れて
It depends on where you want to take your prospective clients to dinner.
【what kind of food they like どういう種類の食べ物を彼らが好むのか】
It depends on what kind of food they like.
【when and where the problem started いつ、どこでその問題が始まったのか】
It depends on when and where the problem started.
【where the problem lies どこにその問題があるのか】
It depends on where the problem lies.
【whether or not there’re any new developments 進展が何かあるのかどうか】
It depends on whether or not there’re any new developments.
【what he wants 彼が何を望んでいるのか】
It depends on what he wants.