LESSON 61 誤解の訂正・相手の意見の確認 (1)
A: So as Kenji said, it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions.
B: Excuse me but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was that we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system.
A: というわけで、 ケンジが言ったように、数名の社員を選び出して大きく昇進させるのはリスキーだな。
B: 悪いけど、それって僕が言いたかったこととズレてるな。僕の言おうとしたのは、透明性のある人事考課および昇進システムを作る必要があるということだよ。
【it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions 数名の社員を選び出して大きく昇進させるのはリスキーだ】
【we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system 透明性のある人事考課および昇進システムを作る必要がある】
【we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers 新しい人事考課制度でパフォーマンスの低い社員を取り除きたい】
(weed out (好ましくないものを)取り除く。(weed 雑草))
【we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity より高いパフォーマンスと生産性に結びつくシステムが必要である】
【it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award 月間のMVP 賞を始めるのはいいアイデアではない】
(MVP award。スポーツなら Most Valuable Player ですが、ビジネスでは most valued person, most valuable professional, most valuable performer など。)
【we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest 人気コンテストにしてしまわないように注意深くある必要がある】
【Tokyo won’t approve the plan 東京がこの計画を承認しない】
【it will probably take time to convince them 彼らを納得させるのに、たぶん時間がかかる】
◇代入語を入れて練習しましょう。 ①
So as Kenji said, it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions.
So as Kenji said, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
So as Kenji said, it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award.
So as Kenji said, Tokyo won’t approve the plan.
What I meant was that we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system.
What I meant was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
What I meant was that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
What I meant was that it will probably take time to convince them.
A: So as Kenji said, it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions.
B: Excuse me but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was that we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system.
A: So as Kenji said, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
B: Excuse me but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
A: So as Kenji said, it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award.
B: Excuse me but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
A: So as Kenji said, Tokyo won’t approve the plan.
B: Excuse me but that’s not exactly what I meant. What I meant was that it will probably take time to convince them.
Excuse me, but that’s not exactly what I meant.