LESSON 9 指示や依頼 【ドリル】
Can you~? Can I~?を使って仕事でよくある状況の指示、依頼をいろいろと練習します。
代入した文のネイティブによる読みで、疑問文であるにもかかわらず語尾が下がっているものがあります。これは、答えに Yes. を予期している態度です。
Can you email it to me?
【forward the mail to me そのメールを私に転送する】
Can you forward the mail to me?
Can I forward the mail to you?
Can you forward the mail to him?
【email to me 私にメールする】
Can you email it to me?
【double-check his email address 彼のメールアドレスを再確認する】
Can you double-check his email address?
Can you double-check the company’s email address?
Can you double-check their email address?
Can I double-check your email address?
(その会社のメールアドレス the company’s email address)
(彼らのメールアドレス their email address)
【Can I verify ... ? 確かめてもいいですか?】
(verify 検証する、確かめる)
Can I verify your email address?
Can I verify their email address?
【see you in my office 私のオフィスに来る】
Can I see you in my office?
Can I see you in my office right now?
【 take a day off tomorrow 明日休みを取る】
Can I take a day off tomorrow?
【use a vacation day this Friday 今週金曜日に有給休暇を使って休む】
Can I use a vacation day this Friday?
【finish this report tomorrow このレポートを明日終える】
Can I finish this report tomorrow?
【get you something to drink while you wait お待ち頂く間に何か飲み物を差し上げる】
Can I get you something to drink while you wait?
【recommend a good place to eat 良いレストラン(食べるのに良い場所)を推薦する】
Can I recommend a good place to eat?
Can you recommend a good place to eat?
【a good place to stay 良い宿泊先】
Can you recommend a good place to stay?
【give me some advice 私にアドバイスをくれる】
Can you give me some advice?
【help me with this file このファイルの件で私を手伝う】
Can you help me with this file?
【point me in the right direction 私に正しい方向を指し示す、私を正しい方向に導く】
Can you point me in the right direction?
【email me a brief outline of your proposal あなたの提案の概要、概略を私にメールする】
Can you email me a brief outline of your proposal?
【give me a rundown of the meeting そのミーティングの要約、概要報告を私にする】
Can you give me a rundown of the meeting?
【Do you think she can ... me ... ? 彼女が私に〜できると思いますか?】
Do you think she can email me a rundown of the meeting?
Do you think she can give me some advice?
Do you think she can recommend a good place to eat?
Do you think she can recommend a good place to stay?
Do you think she can point me in the right direction?
【Can you ask her to ... ? 彼女に〜するようお願いしてもらえますか?】
Can you ask her to point me in the right direction?
Can you ask her to forward the mail to me?
Can you ask her to stop by my office?
【Can you tell him to ... ? 彼に〜するよう伝えてもらえますか?】
Can you tell him to stop by my office?
Can you tell him to double-check the company’s email address?