
LESSON 11 間接的に指示を与える (3)






A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?
B: Consider it done.

A: ケンジ、頼みごとがあるんですけどいいですか?
B: もちろん。どういう用件かな?
A: 彼らにプロジェクト管理ソフトの使い方を指導してもらえませんか?
B: お安いご用だよ。

【Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?】
Can you~? から始まる指示、依頼はレッスン2では「上司にはやや失礼」としていましたが、ここでは部下が依頼する前に、[Can I ask you something?]=[頼みごとがあるですがよろしいでしょうか?]とワンクッションおいているので、いきなり依頼するのに比べ丁寧な印象になっています。

【Consider it done.】
直訳すると 「終わったものと考えてください。」となりますが、会話での意味合いとしては、「お安いご用です。」「さっそくとりかかります。」「任せといてください。」となります。


【how to expedite an order 注文を迅速に処理する、急送(発送)する方法】
【what to look for in an inspection (字義通りには「何を探すか」だが) 検査でどういったポイントを見るか】
【where to store the tools どこに道具を保管する】
【which supplies to order and when to do so どのオフィス用品を、いつ注文するか】
【who to contact in case of emergency 緊急の場合に誰にコンタクトするか】
(in case of もし~の場合、~の場合に備えて、もし~が起ったら)
(emergency 緊急事態、突発事故、急場)
【how to use the project management software プロジェクト管理ソフトの使い方】


how to expedite an order
what to look for in an inspection
where to store the tools
which supplies to order and when to do so
who to contact in case of emergency
how to use the project management software


Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?

Can you teach them how to use the project management software?
Can you teach them how to expedite an order?
Can you instruct them how to expedite an order?
Can you show them how to expedite an order?
Can you show them what to look for in an inspection?
Can you instruct them what to look for in an inspection?
Can you teach them what to look for in an inspection?
Can you teach them where to store the tools?
Can you show them where to store the tools?
Can you instruct them where to store the tools?
Can you instruct them which supplies to order and when to do so?
Can you show them which supplies to order and when to do so?
Can you teach them which supplies to order and when to do so?
Can you teach them who to contact in case of emergency?
Can you instruct them who to contact in case of emergency?

instruct , show, teach の違いについて説明します。

指導する、 指示して~させる。単に、その通りできるようにさせる。


教える。 いちばん広範に使える表現です。表面的な方法やノウハウだけでなくて、深いところまでしっかり理解させるという意味合いになります。教える相手を育てて、クリティカルに考えられるようにもっていく、といった意味も含みうる表現です。


A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?
B: Consider it done.


A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you show them how to expedite an order?
B: Consider it done.

A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you teach them which supplies to order and when to do so?
B: Consider it done.

A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you instruct them who to contact in case of emergency?
B: Consider it done.


A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you show them how to expedite an order?
B: Consider it done.

A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?
B: Consider it done.

A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you teach them what to look for in an inspection?
B: Consider it done.





復習の仕方 - つぶやき応用練習
