They seem quite upset about this.
【rather confused かなり混乱している】
He seems rather confused about this.
She seems rather confused about this.
【very frustrated about the situation. その状況にとてもいらついている、不満である】
She seems very frustrated about the situation.
They seemed very frustrated about the situation.
【overwhelmed with the workload 仕事の量に圧倒されている】
They seemed overwhelmed with the workload.
He seemed overwhelmed with the workload.
【preoccupied with achieving weekly sales goals 週の売り上げ目標の達成で頭がいっぱいだ】
(be preoccupied 没頭している、気をとられている、頭がいっぱいで)
He seemed preoccupied with achieving weekly sales goals.
They seemed preoccupied with achieving weekly sales goals.
【quite excited to hear the news. その知らせを聞いてとてもエキサイトしている】
They seemed quite excited to hear the news.
She seemed quite excited to hear the news.
【quite supportive of her colleagues 同僚の支えになっている】
She seemed quite supportive of her colleagues.
He seemed quite supportive of his colleagues.
He seems quite supportive of his colleagues.
【determined to win the contract その契約を勝ち取る決意がある】
He seems quite determined to win the contract.
They seem quite determined to win the contract.
【quite firm on the price その価格を堅く固守する、執着している、こだわっている】
They seem quite firm on the price.
Did they seem quite firm on the price?
【positive about this deal この取引に前向きである】
Did they seem positive about this deal?
【committed to this project このプロジェクトに献身的だ、熱心に取り組む】
Did they seem committed to this project?
She seemed committed to this project.
【reluctant about advertising on social media ソーシャルメディアで宣伝することに気乗りしない】
(reluctant しぶしぶの、不承不承の、気乗りしない)
She seemed reluctant about advertising on social media.
She seems reluctant about advertising on social media.
【undecided about advertising on social media ソーシャルメディアで宣伝することに優柔不断である】
She seems undecided about advertising on social media.