LESSON 19 課題提起・提案 (1)
A: We need to find new customers. What can we do about it?
B: How about running an online marketing campaign?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
A: 新規顧客を見つける必要があるな。何ができるかな。
B: オンラインの販売キャンペーンをしたらどうかしら?
A: それはいいね。もっと詳しく話して。
【increase the number of inquiries 問い合わせの数を増やす】
(inquiries 問い合わせ)
【expand our market 我々の市場を拡大する】
【develop new market channels 新規販売経路を開拓する】
【increase brand recognition ブランド認知度を高める】
【find new customers 新規顧客を見つける】
【run an online marketing campaign オンラインの販売キャンペーンを行う】
【exhibit at trade shows トレードショーで展示する】
(exhibit 展示する [名詞] 展示、展覧; 添付書類、別紙 [例] “See Exhibit A.” : 「別紙A を見よ。」 ← 契約書などでよく使われる。)
【use more agents and give them more incentivesより数多くのエージェントを使い、彼らにより多くの成功報酬を与える】
【hire more sales reps より多くのセールスパーソンを雇う】
(sales reps = sales representatives)
【have an in-store promotion campaign at our retail stores インストア・プロモーションを小売店で実施する】
(retail 小売、小売店)
(retail price 小売価格)
find new customers
run an online marketing campaign
increase the number of inquiries
exhibit at trade shows
expand our market
use more agents and give them more incentives
develop new market channels
hire more sales reps
increase brand recognition
have an in-store promotion campaign at our retail stores
We need to find new customers.
We need to increase the number of inquiries.
We need to expand our market.
We need to develop new market channels.
We need to increase brand recognition.
How about running an online marketing campaign?
How about exhibiting at trade shows?
How about using more agents and giving them more incentives?
How about hiring more sales reps?
How about having an in-store promotion campaign at our retail stores?
A: We need to find new customers. What can we do about it?
B: How about running an online marketing campaign?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
A: We need to increase the number of inquiries. What can we do about it?
B: How about exhibiting at trade shows?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
A: We need to expand our market. What can we do about it?
B: How about using more agents and giving them more incentives?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
A: We need to develop new market channels. What can we do about it?
B: How about hiring more sales reps?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
A: We need to increase brand recognition. What can we do about it?
B: How about having an in-store promotion campaign at our retail stores?
A: That sounds good. Tell us more about it.
Tell us more about it.
3. サイレント・リピーティング