
LESSON 24 意見を述べる・求める (2)






A: I’m considering providing incentives for better performance.
  It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: より優れた仕事をした人には、能力給を与えることを考えているの。
B: う~ん、判らないな、なんともいえないね。
A: どうして?考えを聞かせてちょうだいよ。

【help boost】

【boost employee morale】




【provide incentives for better performance より優れたパフォーマンスに対して能力給を与える】
【implement a more structured OJT より体系化されたOJT を導入する】
(implement (計画・政策などを)実行する、導入する)
【give our employees more career advancement opportunities 従業員にもっと昇進の機会を与える】
【improve our Employee Suggestion Program 従業員提案プログラムを改善する】
(Employee Suggestion Program 昔は「提案箱(Employee Suggestion Box)」しかありませんでしたが、今は専用ソフトウェアを含め様々な方法があります。ですが、昔風に Box という言葉を使うこともあります。)
【create a better employee recognition program よりよい従業員評価プログラムを作る】
(employee recognition program 人事評価・人事考課のことではなく、功績を recognize、つまり認めて表彰などするプログラムのことを言います。Employee of the Month(月間優秀社員)等々。)
【give them opportunities to attend training in Japan 日本でのトレーニングに参加する機会を彼らに与える】


provide incentives for better performance
implement a more structured OJT
give our employees more career advancement opportunities
improve our Employee Suggestion Program
create a better employee recognition program
give them opportunities to attend training in Japan


I’m considering providing incentives for better performance.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?

I’m considering giving our employees more career advancement opportunities.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?

I’m considering improving our Employee Suggestion Program.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?

I’m considering creating a better employee recognition program.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?

I’m considering giving them opportunities to attend training in Japan.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?

I’m considering implementing a more structured OJT.
It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?


A: I’m considering providing incentives for better performance. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.


A: I’m considering implementing a more structured OJT. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: I’m considering giving our employees more career advancement opportunities. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: I’m considering improving our Employee Suggestion Program. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: I’m considering creating a better employee recognition program. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: I’m considering giving them opportunities to attend training in Japan. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.

A: I’m considering providing incentives for better performance. It’ll help boost employee morale. What do you think?
B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.
A: Why’s that? Let me hear what you think.


What do you think?

Let me hear what you think.

Oh, I don’t know… I’m not sure about that.

