LESSON 25 意見を述べる・求める (3)
A: What do you think about providing incentives for better performance?
B: Hmmm. I don’t know about that… I don’t think it’s such a good idea.
A: No? I was thinking it would help retain our better performing employees. Wouldn’t you think?
B: Well, let me tell you what I think.
A: よりよい仕事をした社員に能力給を与えるというのはどう思う?
B: ふーん、、どうかなあ。あまりいい考えだとは思わないね。
A: そうかい?出来る社員達をキープしておく のに役立つんじゃないかと思ってたんだが。そう思わないか?
B: うん、僕の考えを言わせてくれ。
keep を少しだけ堅めに言う表現です。
【it would help retain】
help と retain の間の to が省略されています。to を省くと口語的な響きとなります。
「使役動詞(make, have, let等)+人+原形動詞」の形では to を省いた原型動詞が使われますが、help にも使役のニュアンスが感じられることがあるため「help+人+原型動詞」という形が一般的になりました。
その延長として、この help retain のような「help+原形動詞」の形も使われるようになったようです。
【I was thinking ...】
【Wouldn’t you think?】
Wouldn’t you think?:Wouldn’t you think so? も可。この Wouldn't は、丁寧な言い方の Wouldn't ではなく「そう思うのが普通だけれど、あなたは思わないの?」と、相手の考え方や態度に軽く挑むニュアンスです。もっとニュートラルな言い方をしたければ Don't you think?/ Don't you think so? が使えます。
【retain our better performing employees 当社のより出来る社員達をキープしておく】
【keep employees motivated 社員達の動機を保つ】
【increase employee involvement 従業員の参画度を高める】
retain our better performing employees
keep employees motivated
increase employee involvement
I was thinking it would help retain our better performing employees.
Wouldn’t you think?
【keep employees motivated】
I was thinking it would help keep employees motivated.
Wouldn’t you think?
【increase employee involvement】
I was thinking it would help increase employee involvement.
Wouldn’t you think?
【retain our better performing employees】
I was thinking it would help retain our better performing employees.
Wouldn’t you think?
What do you think about providing incentives for better performance?
【implement a more structured OJT より体系化されたOJTを導入する】
What do you think about implementing a more structured OJT?
【give our employees more career advancement opportunities 従業員にもっと昇進の機会を与える】
What do you think about giving our employees more career advancement opportunities?
【improve our Employee Suggestion Program 従業員提案プログラムを改善する】
What do you think about improving our Employee Suggestion Program?
【create a better employee recognition program よりよい従業員評価プログラムを作る】
What do you think about creating a better employee recognition program?
【give them opportunities to attend training in Japan 日本でのトレーニングに参加する機会を彼らに与える】
What do you think about giving them opportunities to attend training in Japan?
【provide incentives for better performance より優れたパフォーマンスに対して能力給を与える】
What do you think about providing incentives for better performance?
Wouldn’t you think?
I don’t know about that… I don’t think it’s such a good idea.
Well, let me tell you what I think.