LESSON 3 指示を与える (3)
Would you〜?を使った指示の出し方+Lesson2とはちがう言い方での期限の決め方を学習します。
A: Khanh, would you run a report and identify the top 50 customers?
B: When do you need it by?
A: I need it done by 3:00 pm tomorrow.
B: Sure thing.
A: カーン、レポートを実行して得意先上位50社を特定してもらえないか?
B: いつまでに要るんです?
A: 明日の3時までに終わらせてもらう必要がある。
B: 了解っす。
【run a report レポートを実行する】
【Would you ~で始まる指示】
知っておきたいことは、言葉遣いとしては would を使って丁寧ではありますが、ストレートに依頼している印象です。
【Sure thing】
【go over this article and write a summary この記事を詳細に読んでサマリーを書く】
【do some research on potential new markets 潜在的な新しい市場についてリサーチをする】
【organize employee records 従業員記録を整理する】
【create a product roadmap 製品ロードマップを作成する】
【run a report and identify the top 50 customers レポートを実行して得意先上位50社を特定する】
do some research on potential new markets
organize employee records
run a report and identify the top 50 customers
go over this article and write a summary
create a product roadmap
Would you run a report and identify the top 50 customers?
Would you go over this article and write a summary?
Would you do some research on potential new markets?
Would you organize employee records?
Would you run a report and identify the top 50 customers?
【by Thursday, the 19th 19日の木曜日までに】
【no later than noon this coming Friday 今度の(=今週の)金曜の正午までに】
(no later than 遅くてもいついつ、それより遅れては駄目、と期限を強調したニュアンス)
【before March 3rd 3月3日より前に】
【「by 日時」と「before 日時」の違い】
by のほうは、その日時を含み、 before は含みません。
【by this coming Friday】
【before this coming Friday】
【next Friday】
次の金曜日。というと翌週の金曜日を指すのが普通です。「今週の金曜」と念を押したければ this coming Friday と言う必要があります。英語ネイティブの間でも混乱のあることのある表現です。
no later than noon this coming Friday
before March 3rd
by Thursday, the 19th
I need it done by 3:00 pm tomorrow.
I need it done before March 3rd.
I need it done no later than noon this coming Friday.
I need it done by the end of the day tomorrow.
I need it done by Thursday, the 19th.
I need it done by 3:00 pm tomorrow.
A: Khanh, would you run a report and identify the top 50 customers?
B: When do you need it by?
A: I need it done by 3:00 pm tomorrow.
B: Sure thing.
A: Khanh, would you go over this article and write a summary?
B: When do you need it by?
A: I need it done by the end of the day tomorrow.
B: Sure thing.
A: Khanh, would you do some research on potential new markets?
B: When do you need it by?
A: I need it done by Thursday, the 19th.
B: Sure thing.
A: Khanh, would you organize employee records?
B: When do you need it by?
A: I need it done no later than noon this coming Friday.
B: Sure thing.
When do you need it by?