LESSON 36 Work on~:現在完了形 【ドリル】
Work onという使い道の広い言葉を使って、口を滑らかに動かす練習と典型的なオフィスの場面での現在完了の練習をします。
I’m working on the new project.
【Who’s ... ? 誰が〜?】
Who’s working on the new project?
【Do you happen to know ... ? もしかして知っていますか?】
Do you happen to know who’s working on the new project?
【Do you have any idea ... ? 知っていますか?】
Do you have any idea who’s working on the new project?
【the product design 製品デザイン】
Do you have any idea who’s working on the product design?
John said he was working on the product design.
【this issue この問題、この件】
John said he was working on this issue.
【Mary-Kay said she was planning on メアリー=ケイは彼女が〜する予定だと言った】
(be planning on ... ing ~する予定)
Mary-Kay said she was planning on working on this issue.
Mary-Kay said she was going to work on this issue.
【the implementation plan 導入/実施計画】
Mary-Kay said she was going to work on the implementation plan.
He is supposed to be working on the implementation plan.
Who is supposed to be working on the implementation plan?
Do you know who is supposed to be working on the implementation plan?
I’ve been really busy lately.
【this week 今週】
I’ve been really busy this week.
【swamped with work 仕事であっぷあっぷしている】
I’ve been swamped with work this week.
He has been swamped with work this week.
Has he been swamped with work this week?
【overwhelmed with work 仕事に圧倒されている】
Has he been overwhelmed with work this week?
【work overtime for weeks 何週間も残業している】
Has he been working overtime for weeks?
Why has he been working overtime for weeks?
【in a bad mood lately 最近機嫌が悪い】
Why has he been in a bad mood lately?
I don’t understand why he has been in a bad mood lately.
【why they haven’t paid yet なぜ彼らがまだ支払ってないのか】
I don’t understand why they haven’t paid yet.
Do you know why they haven’t paid yet?
【ship the order 注文の品を発送する】
Do you know why they haven’t shipped the order yet?
【Do you happen to know ... ? もしかして知っていますか?】
Do you happen to know why they haven’t shipped the order yet?
【sign the agreement 契約書に署名する】
Do you happen to know why they haven’t signed the agreement?
Do you have any idea why they haven’t signed the agreement?