LESSON 48 繊細な問題を語る (2)
A: Well, I wonder why Lan is acting so hostile toward Kim.
B: My understanding is that Lan is not happy because Kim became her supervisor. Lan thinks she deserved the promotion more than Kim.
A: I see. I was having a hard time grasping the situation.
A: うん、なぜランはキムへの態度があれほど敵対的なんだろうか。
B: 私の理解だとキムが自分の上司になったのでランは不満なんです。ランはキムより先に自分のほうが昇進すべきだったと思ってるんですね。
A: なるほど。状況を把握するのに苦労してたんだ。
【My understanding is (that) ...】
I understand (that) ... =私の理解では〜
My understanding is that Lan is not happy because Kim became her supervisor.
【this needs to be kept confidential これは内密にしておく必要がある】
(confidential 内密の、部外秘の、親展の)
My understanding is that this needs to be kept confidential.
【the 1st payment is due on May 1st 最初の支払い期限は5月1日である】
My understanding is that the 1st payment is due on May 1st.
My understanding was that the 1st payment is due on May 1st.
My understanding was that the 1st payment was due on May 1st.
【he had no issue with that 彼はそれでなんの問題もなかった】
My understanding was that he had no issue with that.
My understanding was that he has no issue with that.
I was having a hard time grasping the situation.
【deciding what to do next 次に何をするか決める】
I was having a hard time deciding what to do next.
I am having a hard time deciding what to do next.
【meeting deadlines 締め切りに間に合う】
I am having a hard time meeting deadlines.
He is having a hard time meeting deadlines.
Is he having a hard time meeting deadlines?
Is he having a hard time deciding what to do next?
Was he having a hard time deciding what to do next?
【grasping the situation 状況を把握する】
Was he having a hard time grasping the situation?
Why was he having a hard time grasping the situation?
I heard that you were having a hard time grasping the situation.
【I heard / I’ve heard ...】
どちらでもほぼ同じ意味で使います。ここでは I heard で練習します。
【区別したいこの2つと I hear (that) … の違い】
I heard / I’ve heard はどちらの場合でもそのことを教えてくれたソースの人物は、あなたの頭の中では明確に分かっていることが前提です。I hear とすると噂にきいたような軽さがあり、誰からきいたかというソースも曖昧な印象を与えます。皆が知っている、というニュアンスになります。
【deciding what to do next 次に何をするか決めるのを】
I heard that you were having a hard time deciding what to do next.
I heard that he was having a hard time deciding what to do next.
【deciding what course of action to take どのような一連の行動をとったらよいのか決めるのを】
I heard that he was having a hard time deciding what course of action to take.
【deciding which option to choose どの選択肢を選ぶのか決めるのを】
I heard that he was having a hard time deciding which option to choose.
【finding the right candidate for this job この仕事の適任者・ぴったりの候補者を見つけるのを】
I heard that he was having a hard time finding the right candidate for this job.