LESSON 49 繊細な問題を語る (3)
A: Lan, there’s something I want to talk to you about. I’m a little concerned about you.
B: You mean my situation with Kim?
A: Right. I’d like to get your input. Would you mind talking about it?
B: Not at all. I’m glad you brought that up.
A: ラン、君と話したいことがあるんだが。君のことがちょっと気がかりでね。
B: 私とキムの間の問題のことですか?
A: そう。君からのインプットをもらいたくてね。この件について、話してもらって構わないかな?
B: ぜんぜん構わないです。話を持ち出して頂いて嬉しいです。
【There’s something I want to talk to you about.】
【I’d like to get your input.】
【I’d like to get your input on this.】
「(意見の異なる・喧嘩してる等々の場合で)君の立場からの話」というなら I’d like to get your side of the story. とも言えます。
【Would you mind talking about it?】
【bring up~】
I’m a little concerned about you.
【the situation 状況】
I’m a little concerned about the situation.
【the situation with our supplier うちのサプライヤーとの問題】
I’m a little concerned about the situation with our supplier.
【I’m concerned about 懸念している】
I’m concerned about the situation with our supplier.
【the situation with the municipal government 地方政府との問題】
I’m concerned about the situation with the municipal government.
【what’s going on in this country この国で起きていること】
I’m concerned about what’s going on in this country.
【I’m upset about 私は動揺している】
I’m upset about what’s going on in this country.
I’m upset about the situation with the municipal government.
【I'm worried about 心配している】
I’m worried about the situation with the municipal government.
I’m worried about the situation with our supplier.
【I'm frustrated with イライラしている】
I’m frustrated with the situation with our supplier.
【I'm frustrated with what’s going on 起きていることにイライラしている】
I’m frustrated with what’s going on.
A: Lan, there’s something I want to talk to you about. I’m a little concerned about you.
B: You mean my situation with Kim?
A: Right. I’d like to get your input. Would you mind talking about it?
B: Not at all. I’m glad you brought that up.
There’s something I want to talk to you about.
I’d like to get your input. Would you mind talking about it?
You mean my situation with Kim?
I’m glad you brought that up.