LESSON 5 指示を与える (5) 【ドリル】
I need you to〜 という指示表現をもとに、文のさまざまなパーツや時制を変えたり、疑問文や否定文にしたり、といったクイックレスポンスのパターン練習をします。I want you 〜という表現も使います。
I need you to come back by 2:30.
【manage the project そのプロジェクトを管理する】
【attend the meeting その会議に出席する】
【come back by 2:30 2時半までに戻る】
I need you to manage the project.
I need you to attend the meeting.
Do you need me to attend the meeting?
Do you need me to manage the project?
Do you need me to come back by 2:30?
Does he need you to come back by 2:30?
Does he need you to attend the meeting?
Does he need you to manage the project?
Did he ask you to manage the project?
Did he ask you to attend the meeting?
Did he ask you to come back by 2:30?
【I need you to~】
【I want you to~】
Does he want her to come back by 2:30?
Does he want her to attend the meeting?
Does he want her to manage the project?
Did he want her to manage the project?
Did he want her to come back by 2:30?
Did he ask her to come back by 2:30?
Did he ask her to attend the meeting?
He didn’t ask her to attend the meeting.
He didn’t ask her to manage the project.
He wants her to manage the project.
He wants her to come back by 2:30.
He really doesn’t need her to come back by 2:30.
この “really” は、「彼女が2時半までに戻ってくることを非常に(全く)必要としてない」というニュアンスではなく「実際のところは(本当のところは)、彼女が2時半までに戻ってくることは、必要としていない」というニュアンスだと受け止めるのが普通です。
He really doesn’t need her to attend the meeting.
They really don’t need her to attend the meeting.
They really don’t need her to manage the project.
They really didn’t need her to manage the project.
They really didn’t need her to come back by 2:30.
They really didn’t need me to come back by 2:30.
They really wanted me to come back by 2:30.
こちらの ‘really” は、「2時半までに戻ることを切望していた(強く求めていた)」というニュアンスで口にされたり受け止められがちな表現です。「実のところは」とも解釈できますが、「求められている」ことはポジティブな印象なので「切望されている」と受け止めたほうが良いでしょう。
They really wanted me to attend the meeting.
She really wants me to attend the meeting.
She really wants you to attend the meeting.
She really wants you to manage the project.
Does she really want you to manage the project?
Do they really want you to manage the project?
Do they really want you to come back by 2:30?
この “really” は、「実際のところは」とも「切望している」ともどちらとも解釈することができますが、「実際のところは」の意味で使うのが普通です。
Do they need you to come back by 2:30?
Do they need you to manage the project?
Did they ask you to manage the project?
Did they ask you to attend the meeting?