
LESSON 52 繊細な問題を語る (5)






A: I feel like I’m not really taken seriously here.
B: What do you mean? Why do you feel that way?
A: For example, I did not get ANY support from my team members when something urgent came up last week. And I DID ask for their help.
B: I’m sorry to hear that... If I were you, I would talk to your boss about the situation.
A: You think so? Hmm. Maybe I should have talked to her yesterday ... Well, thanks for listening to me.

A: この会社で自分がマジメに受け取られていないような気がするんです。
B: どういうことだい?なぜ、そういう風に感じるんだい?
A: たとえば先週、緊急の仕事があったとき、私のチームメンバーの誰っからもサポートがなかったんです。彼らの助けを頼んだのにそうなんです。
B: それは気の毒だね。私が君だったら、その状況について上司と話すだろうね。
A: そう思いますか?う~ん・・・。きのう彼女と話すべきだったかも知れませんね。 話を聞いて下さってありがとうございます。

【If I were you, I would ...】

【I should have talked to her.】
仮定法過去完了。「もし~であったのだったなら」と、過去の事実とは異なる仮定を述べます。should have, could have, would have + 動詞の過去分詞。「~すべきだったのに」、「~できたのに」、「~しただろうに」と、既に済んだことをあれこれ言っているネガティブな印象がなくもありません。
そのため、ビジネスの現場では少なくとも表向きにはあまり使いません。親しい同僚同士のカジュアルな会話や日常生活の会話では普通に使われます。ちなみにカジュアル会話で使う時は音声変化させて発音することが多く would have は woulda(ウダ), could have は coulda, should have は shoulda となります。

【I did not get ANY support from my team members】

【And I DID ask for their help.】


If I were you, I would talk to your boss about the situation.

【explain what happened 何が起きたか説明する】
(物事の起きた順番が自明なので “explain what had happened” と過去完了にしなくても構わない。)
If I were you, I would explain what happened.

【ask your boss to help you あなたの上司に援助を求める】
("your boss" が "you"を助けるという主語-目的語の関係が維持され、話し手の助言が一貫して聞き手に向けられているという視点を明確にすることができます。)
If I were you, I would ask your boss to help you.

【talk to them first to get their input 彼らのインプット・意見・考えを得るため、まず彼らと話す】
If I were you, I would talk to them first to get their input.

【feel the same way 同様に感じる】
If I were you, I would feel the same way.

【say no ノーと言う。断る】
If I were you, I would say no.

【accept the offer オファーを受ける】
If I were you, I would accept the offer.

【decline the offer オファーを断る】
If I were you, I would decline the offer.

【ask for specific details 具体的詳細を聞く】
If I were you, I would ask for specific details.


I should have talked to her.

【could have 話すこともできたのだが】
I could have talked to her.

【completed the assignment sooner その仕事をもっと早く終わらせることもできた】
I could have completed the assignment sooner.

【She would have ... 彼女は〜をしただろうに(でもしなかった)】
She would have completed the assignment sooner.

【done a better job より良い仕事をする】
She would have done a better job.
She should have done a better job.

【accepted the offer そのオファーを受ける】
She should have accepted the offer.
We should have accepted the offer.

【negotiated a better deal よりよい条件で取引をする】
We should have negotiated a better deal.
We could have negotiated a better deal.

【asked for specific details 具体的詳細を求める】
We could have asked for specific details.
I could have asked for specific details.

【would have told you not to do that それはするなと(私だったら)あなたに言ったであろうに】
I would have told you not to do that.
He would have told you not to do that.


A: I feel like I’m not really taken seriously here.
B: What do you mean? Why do you feel that way?
A: For example, I did not get ANY support from my team members when something urgent came up last week. And I DID ask for their help.
B: I’m sorry to hear that ... If I were you, I would talk to your boss about the situation.
A: You think so? Hmm. Maybe I should have talked to her yesterday... Well, thanks for listening to me.

