LESSON 58 可能性 (1)
A: What are the chances that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work?
B: There’s a fifty-fifty chance.
A: 営業業務は全て任せるための評判のいいエージェントが見つかる可能性はどのくらいかしら?
B: 可能性は5分5分だね。
【What are the chances (that) ... ?】
「~の可能性・見込みはどのぐらいだろうか?」(that は省略可能) What are the chances? で切って「可能性・見込みはどのぐらいだろうか?」さらに What are the chances? という文には「(そんなことが起きるって)偶然だねえ、奇遇だねえ」という驚きを表すときに使うこともあります。
What are the chances ... ? という質問への答え方には様々なバリエーションがあります。次のレッスンで取り上げます。
What are the chances that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work?
(That は省略できるが、このレッスンでは入れて練習します。)
【we will find well-established distributors in each region 定評のある販売代理店を各地方で見つける】
What are the chances that we will find well-established distributors in each region?
【we will land that big contract 我々があの大きな契約を獲得する】
(land 得る、獲得する)
What are the chances that we will land that big contract?
【they will renew the distribution agreement 彼らが販売契約を更新する】
(distribution agreement 販売契約[協定](書))
What are the chances that they will renew the distribution agreement?
【Rajiv will leave our company ラジブが当社をやめる】
What are the chances that Rajiv will leave our company?
【Rajiv will stay with us ラジブがうちにとどまる】
What are the chances that Rajiv will stay with us?
【it will happen それが起きる】
What are the chances that it will happen?
【we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work? 営業業務は全て任せるための評判のいいエージェントが見つかる】
What are the chances that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work?
What are the chances that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work?
言い換え:What are the chances of us finding reputable agents to do all the sales work?
言い換えた what are the chances of us finding ... は、finding という動名詞に意味上の主語の us がついたと考えてよいです。(「動名詞の意味上の主語には名詞の目的格か所有格を使う。」というものです。)
よって、What are the chances of our finding reputable agents ... とする人もいます。
What are the chances that we find well-established distributors in each region?
⇒What are the chances of us finding well-established distributors in each region?
What are the chances that Rajiv will stay with us?
⇒ What are the chances of Rajiv staying with us?
likely を使った可能性の聞きかたと答え方を練習します。
A: How likely are we to find well-established distributors in each region?
B: It’s very likely.
A: 各地方で定評のある販売業者が見つかる可能性はどのくらいだろう?
B: 可能性はとても高いわね。
【How likely are we to~?】
「我々が~する可能性は?」よく使われるバリエーションは、How likely is it (that) ... ?
この例文だと、 How likely is it (that) we will find well established distributors in each region?
How likely ... ? という質問への答え方には様々なバリエーションがあります。次のレッスンで取り上げます。
How likely are we to find well-established distributors in each region?
【we, find reputable agents to do all the sales work】
How likely are we to find reputable agents to do all the sales work?
【we , land that big contract】
How likely are we to land that big contract?
【they, renew the distribution agreement】
How likely are they to renew the distribution agreement?
【Rajiv, leave our company】
How likely is Rajiv to leave our company?
【Rajiv, stay with us】
How likely is Rajiv to stay with us?
【it, happen】
How likely is it to happen?