LESSON 59 可能性 (2) 【ドリル】
It’s very likely that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
【There’s a big chance 可能性は非常に高い】
There’s a big chance that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
【find well-established distributors in each region 定評のある販売代理店を各地方で見つける】
There’s a big chance that we will find well-established distributors in each region.
【It’s not likely 可能性は低い】
It’s not likely that we will find well-established distributors in each region.
【we will land that big contract 我々があの大きな契約を獲得する】
It’s not likely that we will land that big contract.
【There’s a fifty-fifty chance 5分5分の可能性がある】
There’s a fifty-fifty chance that we will land that big contract.
【they will renew the distribution agreement 彼らが販売契約を更新する】
There’s a fifty-fifty chance that they will renew the distribution agreement.
【There’s only a slight chance わずかな可能性しかない】
There’s only a slight chance that they will renew the distribution agreement.
【Rajiv will stay with us ラジブがうちにとどまる】
There’s only a slight chance that Rajiv will stay with us.
【It’s not very likely 可能性はあまり高くない】
It’s not very likely that Rajiv will stay with us.
【Rajiv will leave our company ラジブが当社をやめる】
It’s not very likely that Rajiv will leave our company.
【There’s a good chance 十分ありうる、かなり見込みがある】
There’s a good chance that Rajiv will leave our company.
【It will happen それが起きる】
There’s a good chance that it will happen.
【There’s almost no chance ほとんど可能性はない】
There’s almost no chance that It will happen.
【that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work 営業業務は全て任せるための評判のいいエージェントが見つかる】
There’s almost no chance that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
【The chances are not so good 可能性はあまり高くない it’s not very likely と同様。】
The chances are not so good that we will find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
【we will find well-established distributors in each region 定評のある販売代理店を各地方で見つける】
The chances are not so good that we will find well-established distributors in each region.
【The chances are おそらく可能性がある】
The chances are that we will find well-established distributors in each region.
【we will land that big contract 我々があの大きな契約を獲得する】
The chances are that we will land that big contract.
【they will renew the distribution agreement 彼らが販売契約を更新する】
The chances are that they will renew the distribution agreement.