LESSON 62 誤解の訂正・相手の意見の確認 (2)
A: So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
B: I’m afraid you’re missing the point. What I said was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
A: というわけで、 ケンジが前回のミーティングで言っていたように、パフォーマンスの低い社員を取り除くための新しい人事考課制度が欲しいんだ。
B: 悪いけど、それは論点を理解してないな。 僕が言ったのは より高いパフォーマンスと生産性に結びつくシステムが必要だってことだよ。
【miss the point】
So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
【it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award 月間のMVP 賞を始めるのはいいアイデアではない】
So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award.
【Tokyo won’t approve the plan 東京がこの計画を承認しない】
So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, Tokyo won’t approve the plan.
【it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions 数名の社員を選び出して大きく昇進させるのはリスキーだ】
So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions.
What I said was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
【we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest 人気コンテストにしてしまわないように注意深くある必要がある】
What I said was that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
【it will probably take time to convince them 彼らを納得させるのに、たぶん時間がかかる】
What I said was that it will probably take time to convince them.
【we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system 透明性のある人事考課および昇進システムを作る必要がある】
What I said was that we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system.
A: Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award?
B: No. What I’m saying is that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
A: 間違っていたら訂正して欲しいのだけど、月間のMVP 賞を始めるのはいいアイデアではないと言う訳ですか?
B: いや。僕が言ってるのは、それが人気コンテストにならないように注意深くある必要があるってことだよ。
【Corret me if I’m wrong…】
「僕が間違っていたら訂正して」という時の定型表現です。Are you saying ~? という聞き方は、それ単独で使うと口調や相手の受け取り方によっては、やや挑戦的な印象もあります。
この Correct me if I’m wrong… を付け加えることでワンクッションおくことができます。口調を和らげ、”So you’re saying…., right?” と言うことでも挑戦的な印象は避けられます。
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award?
【Tokyo won’t approve the plan 東京がこの計画を承認しない】
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying Tokyo won’t approve the plan?
【it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions 数名の社員を選び出して大きく昇進させるのはリスキーだ】
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it’s risky to single out a few employees for big promotions?
【we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers 新しい人事考課制度で、パフォーマンスの低い社員を取り除きたい】
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers?
No. What I’m saying is that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
【it will probably take time to convince them 彼らを納得させるのに、たぶん時間がかかる】
No. What I’m saying is that it will probably take time to convince them.
【we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system 透明性のある人事考課および昇進システムを作る必要がある】
No. What I’m saying is that we need to create a transparent appraisal and promotion system.
【we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity より高いパフォーマンスと生産性に結びつくシステムが必要である】
No. What I’m saying is that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
【we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest 人気コンテストにならないように注意深くある必要がある】
No. What I’m saying is that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.
I’m afraid you’re missing the point.
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— パタプライングリッシュ|ビジネス英語のスピーキングは「パタプラ」 (@patapura_eng) 2023年8月10日
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