LESSON 7 重文・複文パターン (1) 【ドリル】
I was able to order new supplies, but I didn’t have time to replace the toner cartridge.
「~することができた」と過去の一回限りの行為を述べるときは、could よりも was able to を使うように心がけましょう。Could だと、そのことをする能力があったということは分かりますが、実際に行ったかどうかは定かでないという印象を与えます。
I was able to order new supplies, but I didn’t have time to replace the toner cartridge.
【replace the toner cartridge トナーカートリッジを交換する】
【handle the utility bills 公共料金請求書を処理して支払う】
【take care of my boss’s expense report for him 私の上司の経費報告書を処理する】
【order new supplies オフィス用品を注文する】
I was able to replace the toner cartridge, but I didn’t have time to handle these utility bills.
I was able to handle the utility bills, but I didn’t have time to take care of my boss’s expense report for him.
She was able to handle the utility bills, but she didn’t have time to take care of her boss’s expense report for him.
She was able to take care of her boss’s expense report for him, but she didn’t have time to order new supplies.
She was able to order new supplies, but she didn’t have time to replace the toner cartridge.
I was working on the sales forecast when my boss asked me to stop by his office.
【gather information on our competitors 競合会社に関する情報を収集する】
【come see him right away 今すぐ彼のところへいく】
I was gathering information on our competitors when my boss asked me to come see him right away.
【revise the Employee Manual 従業員ハンドブックを改訂する】
【schedule an all-employee meeting 全社員ミーティングの予定を入れる】
I was revising the Employee Manual when my boss asked me to schedule an all-employee meeting.
【prepare a report on the customer satisfaction survey 顧客満足度調査に関する報告書を準備する】
【reschedule her lunch meeting with Mr.Cheng ミスター・チェンとの昼食会議を予定変更する】
I was preparing a report on the customer satisfaction survey when my boss asked me to reschedule her lunch meeting with Mr.Cheng.
【go over an article to write a summary この記事を詳細に読んでサマリーを書く】
【reserve a table for five at an upscale restaurant 高級レストランで今晩の5 名分のテーブルを予約する】
(upscale 高級な)
I was going over an article to write a summary when my boss asked me to reserve a table for five at an upscale restaurant.
【work on the sales forecast 販売予測に取り組む】
【stop by his office 彼のオフィスに立ち寄る】
I was working on the sales forecast when my boss asked me to stop by his office.
I was going to organize employee records, but something came up.
(“Something came up.” ちょっと用事ができた、(予期せぬ)用が入った。)
【run a report and identify the top 50 customers 得意先上位50社を特定するために(データベースの)レポートを実行する】
I was going to run a report and identify the top 50 customers, but something came up.
【do some research on potential new customers 潜在的な新しい顧客についてリサーチをする】
I was going to do some research on potential new customers, but something came up.
【double-check these numbers 数字を二重チェックする】
I was going to double-check these numbers, but something came up.
【create a product roadmap 製品ロードマップを作成する】
I was going to create a product roadmap, but something came up.
ー 1日以内に、まず1回復習
ー 次は1週間後に2度目の復習
ー その2度目の復習の、さらに2週間後に3回目の復習
ー その3回目の復習から4週間後に4回目の復習