LESSON 8 間接的に指示を与える (1)
A: Can you tell him to order new supplies?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: オフィス用品を注文するよう、彼に言ってくれる?
B: もう聞いてみましたよ。
A: そうなの?ありがとう。
【I’ve already asked him.】
Can you tell him to order new supplies?
【replace the toner cartridge トナーカートリッジを交換する】
Can you tell him to replace the toner cartridge?
【handle these utility bills (これらの)公共料金請求書を処理して支払う】
Can you tell him to handle these utility bills?
【take care of this expense report for me この経費報告書を私のために(私の代わりに)処理する】
Can you tell him to take care of this expense report for me?
【stop by my office 私のオフィスに立ち寄る】
Can you tell him to stop by my office?
【order new supplies オフィス用品を注文する】
Can you tell him to order new supplies?
A: Can you tell him to order new supplies?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: Can you tell him to replace the toner cartridge?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: Can you tell him to handle these utility bills?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: Can you tell him to take care of this expense report for me?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: Can you tell him to stop by my office?
B: I’ve already asked him.
A: You have? Thanks…
A: Can you remind him to stop by my office?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
A: 私のオフィスに立ち寄るように、彼にもう一度言ってくれる?
B: 実は、今言ったところです。
A: あらそうなの?ほんとに、ありがとう。
「誰々に何々するように言ってもらえる?」 という場合の ask, tell, remind のニュアンスのちがいについて説明します。
→上司に tell して何かさせるのは変です。ask を使いましょう。
Can you remind him to stop by my office?
【get back to me right away 今すぐ折り返し、私に電話をくれる】
Can you remind him to get back to me right away?
【come see me 私のところへ来る】
Can you remind him to come see me?
【schedule an all-employee meeting 全社員ミーティングの予定を入れる】
Can you remind him to schedule an all-employee meeting?
【reschedule my lunch meeting with Mr. Cheng ミスター・チェンとの昼食会議を予定変更する】
Can you remind him to reschedule my lunch meeting with Mr. Cheng?
【reserve a table for five for tonight at the Four Seasons restaurant フォーシーズンズ・レストランで今晩の5 名分のテーブルを予約する】
Can you remind him to reserve a table for five for tonight at the Four Seasons restaurant?
【stop by my office 私のオフィスに立ち寄る】
Can you remind him to stop by my office?
A: Can you remind him to stop by my office?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot
A: Can you remind him to get back to me right away?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
A: Can you remind him to come see me?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
A: Can you remind him to schedule an all-employee meeting?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
A: Can you remind him to reschedule my lunch meeting with Mr. Cheng?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
A: Can you remind him to reserve a table for five for tonight at the Four Seasons restaurant?
B: Actually I’ve just reminded him.
A: Oh, you have? Thanks a lot.
I’ve already asked him.
すらすら言えるようになってきたら、復習は「代入語 INDEX(レッスン順)」を使って行えます。
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