追加レッスン 1 指示を与える (1)
I need you to〜という構文を使って指示をする表現について学習します。
A: Khanh, I need you to work on the sales forecast.
B: Got it.
A: カーン、販売予測に取り組んでくれよ。
B: 了解です。
【book the monthly meeting from 9 to 10 9時から10時までの、月次会議を予約する】
【estimate market demand 市場の需要を推定・予測する】
【respond to customer complaints 顧客からの苦情に返答する】
【draft an agreement 合意書の草案を作成する】
【define our aims and objectives 我々の目標と目的を定義する】
【keep our clients informed 顧客と継続的に情報を共有する】
【communicate effectively with stakeholders ステークホルダーと効果的にコミュニケーションをとる】
【create reports and presentations レポートやプレゼンを作成する】
【coach employees on goal setting 目標設定について従業員を指導する】
book the monthly meeting from 9 to 10
estimate market demand
respond to customer complaints
draft an agreement
define our aims and objectives
keep our clients informed
communicate effectively with stakeholders
create reports and presentations
coach employees on goal setting
I need you to work on the sales forecast.
I need you to book the monthly meeting from 9 to 10.
I need you to estimate market demand.
I need you to respond to customer complaints.
I need you to draft an agreement.
I need you to define our aims and objectives.
I need you to keep our clients informed.
I need you to communicate effectively with stakeholders.
I need you to create reports and presentations.
I need you to coach employees on goal setting.