追加レッスン 11 間接的に指示を与える (3)
A: Kenji, can I ask you something?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
A: Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?
B: Consider it done.
A: ケンジ、頼みごとがあるんですけどいいですか?
B: もちろん。どういう用件かな?
A: 彼らにプロジェクト管理ソフトの使い方を指導してもらえませんか?
B: お安いご用だよ。
【how to set up a VPN username and password VPNのユーザー名とパスワードを設定する方法』
(※VPN(Virtual Private Network)とは、本社と支社、支店といった拠点間、あるいは拠点とパソコンなどの端末を接続するための技術、あるいはそれによって構築された仮想的なネットワーク)
【where to file the original document 契約書などの原本をファイルする場所】
【which application to use for creating an invoice インボイス作成にどのアプリケーションを使用するか】
【who to contact for participating in the mentorship program メンターシッププログラムに参加する場合、誰にコンタクトするか】
【how to put in an order for ten thousand products 1万点の商品を発注する仕方】
how to set up a VPN username and password
where to file the original document
which application to use for creating an invoice
who to contact for participating in the mentorship program
how to put in an order for ten thousand products
Can you instruct them how to use the project management software?
Can you show them how to set up a VPN username and password?
Can you show the new employees how to set up a VPN username and password?
Can you show the new employees where to file the original document?
Can you show them where to file the original document?
Can you show them which application to use for creating an invoice?
Can you instruct Sam and Anushka which application to use for creating an invoice?
Can you teach them which application to use for creating an invoice?
Can you teach them who to contact for participating in the mentorship program?
Can you teach her who to contact for participating in the mentorship program?
Can you teach her how to put in an order for ten thousand products?
Can you instruct the newly hired how to put in an order for ten thousand products?
Can you show Sam and Anushka how to put in an order for ten thousand products?