追加レッスン 13 「I’m afraid~」のパターン:間接的に人に質問してもらう 【ドリル】
ネガティブなこと、相手にとってありがたくないことを言うときに頭にI’m afraid をつけてワンクッションおくパターン、そしてCan you ask 誰々+疑問詞節、で間接的に人に質問してもらうパターンの練習をします。
I’m afraid I have to go now.
【we cannot afford that そんな余裕はありません】
【it's not as good as we expected 予期していたほど良くありません】
【we need to push back the completion date 完了日を延長する必要があります】
【things are not looking good 状況は芳しくないです】
we cannot afford that
it's not as good as we expected
we need to push back the completion date
things are not looking good
I’m afraid I have to go now.
I’m afraid we cannot afford that.
I’m afraid it's not as good as we expected.
I’m afraid we need to push back the completion date.
I’m afraid things are not looking good.
Can you ask her what she needs?
【why she didn't come to an agreement on this topic 彼女はなぜこのトピックについて合意しなかったのか】
【how she wants to approach it 彼女はそれにどのようにアプローチしたいのか】
【when we will get the invoice 我々はいつインボイスを受け取るのか】
【where we are meeting this afternoon 我々は午後、どこで会議をするのか】
【if it`s OK to set up a meeting next week 来週会議を予定してもよいか】
【if she is coming to work this Saturday 彼女はこの土曜日仕事するのか】
why she didn't come to an agreement on this topic
how she wants to approach it
when we will get the invoice
where we are meeting this afternoon
if it`s OK to set up a meeting next week
if she is coming to work this Saturday
Can you ask her what she needs?
Can you ask her why she didn't come to an agreement on this topic?
Can you ask her how she wants to approach it?
Can you ask her when we will get the invoice?
Can you ask her where we are meeting this afternoon?
Can you ask her if it`s OK to set up a meeting next week?
Can you ask her if she is coming to work this Saturday?