追加レッスン 15 問題点の指摘 (2)
A: It seems there’s a problem with our new client.
B: Uh-oh, what is it?
A: 新規顧客との間で問題があるみたい。
B: まずいな、なんの問題?
【the volume control settings on my mic 私のマイクの音量設定】
【the software I installed インストールしたソフトウェア】
【our firewall 私たちのファイヤーウォール】
【our website 私たちのサイト】
【the expense report 経費報告書】
the volume control settings on my mic
the software I installed
our firewall
our website
the expense report
It seems there’s a problem with our new client.
It seems there’s a problem with the volume control settings on my mic.
It seems there’s a problem with the software I installed.
It seems there’s a problem with our firewall.
It seems there’s a problem with our website.
It seems there’s a problem with the expense report.
A: It seems there’re some issues with the delivery schedule.
B: Is that so?
A: 納品予定にいくつか問題があるみたいよ。
B: そうなの?
【the audio settings on your device あなたのデバイスのオーディオ設定】
【our network ITネットワーク】
【staffing スタッフの配属】
【completing the project on time プロジェクトを時間内に終わらせる】
【meeting our budget 予算内でやりくりする】
the audio settings on your device
our network
completing the project on time
meeting our budget
It seems there’re some issues with the delivery schedule.
It seems there’re some issues with the audio settings on your device.
It seems there’re some issues with our network.
It seems there’re some issues with staffing.
It seems there’re some issues with completing the project on time.
It seems there’re some issues with meeting our budget.