追加レッスン 28 便利な関係詞 (1)
That’s what he said.
That’s what he said.
【what we need to prioritize 優先順位付けが必要なもの】
That’s what we need to prioritize.
【what our clients have been telling us 顧客から寄せられた声】
That’s what our clients have been telling us.
【exactly what we wanted to hear from the client 顧客から、まさに聞きたかったこと】
That’s exactly what we wanted to hear from the client.
【exactly what our team needs to do まさに私たちのチームがやる必要があること】
That’s exactly what our team needs to do.
【what our team has been working on 私たちのチームが取り組んできたこと】
That’s what our team has been working on.
【exactly what I had in mind まさに私が考えていた通りのこと】
That’s exactly what I had in mind.
【what we are trying to avoid 私たちが避けようとしていること】
That’s what we are trying to avoid.
【why our product is so unique 私たちの製品が唯一無二な理由】
That’s why our product is so unique.
【exactly why we need to set realistic deadlines 現実的な納期を設定する必要があるまさにその理由】
That’s exactly why we need to set realistic deadlines.
【why we need to make a to-do list and prioritize the tasks ToDoリストを作成し、タスクの優先順位をつける理由】
That’s why we need to make a to-do list and prioritize the tasks.
【why we need to compromise or make concessions 妥協や譲歩が必要な理由】
That’s why we need to compromise or make concessions.
【how we can maintain quality standards 品質基準を保つことができる方法】
That’s how we can maintain quality standards.
【how we can differentiate ourselves from competitors 競合他社と差別化できる方法】
That’s how we can differentiate ourselves from competitors.
【how we were able to streamline our production process 私たちが生産プロセスを効率化できた方法】
That’s how we were able to streamline our production process.
【how we make an outstanding contribution to the team's productivity level チームの生産性に大きく貢献する方法】
That’s how we make an outstanding contribution to the team's productivity level.
【how we can develop constructive working relationships with internal and external stakeholders 社内外のステークホルダーと建設的な協力関係を築ける方法 】
That’s how we can develop constructive working relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
【when we had to call an emergency meeting 緊急の会議を開く必要があったタイミング】
That’s when we had to call an emergency meeting.
【when we decided to launch a new product 新製品を発売することを決めたタイミング 】
That’s when we decided to launch a new product.
【where we encountered some challenges 私たちが課題に直面した場所・箇所】
That’s where we encountered some challenges.
【where we need to sign off on major changes and decisions 重要な変更や決定に対して承認する必要があるところ】
That’s where we need to sign off on major changes and decisions.
【where we will be holding the annual conference this year 今年の年次会議を開催する場所】
That’s where we will be holding the annual conference this year.