追加レッスン 37 進捗状況報告の催促
A: What’s the status of revising the Operation Manual?
B: It’s going super. Excellent.
A: Remember I asked you to give me an update on Wednesday?
B: Oh, that slipped my mind.
A: If you have a minute, why don’t you drop by my office right now and give me a quick status report.
A: 例の操作マニュアルの改訂の進捗はどう?
B: 非常にうまくいってます。上々です。
A: 水曜日に私に最新状況を教えてって頼んだの覚えてるかしら?
B: あ、うっかりしてました。
A: 時間があったら、今すぐ私の事務室に立ち寄って簡単な状況報告をしてちょうだい。
【creating your career development plan あなたのキャリアアッププランの作成】
【your self-assessment report due this Friday 今週金曜日が期限のあなたの自己評価レポート】
【testing the contingency plans 例の緊急時対応計画のテスト】
creating your career development plan
your self-assessment report due this Friday
testing the contingency plans
What’s the status of revising the Operation Manual?
What’s the status of creating your career development plan?
What’s the status of your self-assessment report due this Friday?
What’s the status of testing the contingency plans?
How’s that Operation Manual coming along?
【that interview of new graduates 例の新卒採用者達の面接】
How’s that interview of new graduates?
【that screening process of the candidates 例の候補者達の選考プロセス】
How’s that screening process of the candidates?
【that pre-employee background check 例の入社前の従業員のバックグラウンドチェック】
How’s that pre-employee background check?
【create a framework for a new evaluation system by next week 来週までに新しい評価制度の枠組みを作る】
【select raters to provide 360-degree feedback by this week 今週中に360度フィードバックを提供する評価者を選定する】
【send the meeting minutes on the same day 会議の議事録を同日中に送信する】
create a framework for a new evaluation system by next week
select raters to provide 360-degree feedback by this week
send the meeting minutes on the same day
Remember I asked you to give me an update on Wednesday?
Remember I asked you to create a framework for a new evaluation system by next week?
Remember I asked you to select raters to provide 360-degree feedback by this week?
Remember I asked you to send the meeting minutes on the same day?