追加レッスン 44 便利な関係詞 (2) 【ドリル】
Can you find out what she’s talking about?
【where the company might be vulnerable 当社の脆弱になりそうなところがどこなのか】
Can you find out where the company might be vulnerable?
Can you ask him where the company might be vulnerable?
【what pricing model to adopt for our next project どの価格設定モデルを次のプロジェクトで採用すればよいか】
Can you ask him what pricing model to adopt for our next project?
Can you find out what pricing model to adopt for our next project?
【why they've sent duplicated invoices なぜインボイスが重複して送られてきたのか】
Can you find out why they've sent duplicated invoices?
She wouldn’t tell me why they've sent duplicated invoices.
【where we can automate the process プロセスのどこを自動化できるのか】
She wouldn’t tell me where we can automate the process.
Can you ask him where we can automate the process?
【how to effectively manage our team's workload どうやって効果的にチームの仕事量を管理するか】
Can you ask him how to effectively manage our team's workload?
Do you think you can find out how to effectively manage our team's workload?
It depends on what he wants.
【how you value our products あなたが当社の製品をどのように評価するか】
It depends on how you value our products.
【how much time we have left 私たちに残りの時間がどれくらいあるのか】
It depends on how much time we have left.
【what kind of professional development programs we're providing 私たちがどんな専門能力開発プログラムを提供しようとしているのか】
It depends on what kind of professional development programs we're providing.
【what kind of customer complaint you're talking about あなたがどのような顧客のクレームについて話しているのか】
It depends on what kind of customer complaint you're talking about.
【what business you're trying to grow あなたがどんなビジネスを伸ばそうとしているか】
It depends on what business you're trying to grow.
【when you estimate the trend あなたがいつトレンドを推定するのか】
It depends on when you estimate the trend.
【when that survey was conducted そのアンケートがいつ行われたか】
It depends on when that survey was conducted.
【where we're getting that information 私たちがどこでその情報を得るか】
It depends on where we're getting that information.
【where our priorities are 私たちの優先順位がどこにあるのか】
It depends on where our priorities are.
【which quarter you're referring to あなたがどの四半期を指しているのか】
It depends on which quarter you're referring to.