追加レッスン 46 分詞の使い方 (2)
The testing equipment was stolen. テスト装置が盗まれた。
They have found it. 彼らはそれ(装置)を見つけた。
⇒ They have found the stolen testing equipment.
【The proposal was presented at the meeting. 提案は会議で提示された。】
【It was well-received by the investors. 投資家から好評を得た。】
⇒ The proposal presented was well-received by the investors
【The package was shipped last week. 荷物は先週発送された。】
【It arrived at its destination yesterday. それは目的地に昨日届いた。】
⇒ The shipped package arrived at its destination yesterday.
【The expense claim was submitted last month. 経費請求書は先月提出された。】
【It has been approved. それは承認された。】
⇒ The submitted expense claim has been approved.
【The payment was made last week. 支払いは先週された。】
【It hasn't been received yet. まだ受け取られていない。】
⇒ The payment made last week hasn't been received yet.
【The budget was approved by the board of directors. 予算は取締役会によって承認された。】
【It was allocated to the sales department. 予算は営業部門に分配された。】
⇒ The approved budget was allocated to the sales department.
【The email was sent this morning. メールは今朝送信された。】
【It hasn't been responded to yet. まだ返信がない。】
⇒ The email sent this morning hasn't been responded to yet.
【The file was sitting on Parvati’s desk. そのファイルはパーバティの机の上に置いてあった。】
⇒ I saw the file sitting on Parvati’s desk.
【Kenji gave the thumbs-up to Lan's project proposal. ケンジがランの企画提案に賛成した。】
⇒ I saw Kenji give the thumbs-up to Lan's project proposal.
【Mr. Cheng was nodding in agreement during the meeting. ミスター・チェンは会議中に 同意してうなずいていた。】
⇒ I saw Mr. Cheng nodding in agreement during the meeting.
【Rajiv was multitasking during the meeting and not paying attention. ラジブは会議中にながら作業をしていて、注意を向けていなかった。】
⇒ I saw Rajiv multitasking during the meeting and not paying attention.
【Khanh and Rajiv were yelling at each other about who was responsible for the miscommunication with the client. カーンとラジブは、クライアントとのミスコミュニケーションが誰の責任なのかに関して怒鳴りあっていた。】
⇒ I heard Khanh and Rajiv yelling at each other about who was responsible for the miscommunication with the client.
【Kim was expressing concerns about the delays in the project timeline. キムはプロジェクト・スケジュールの遅れについて懸念を表していた。】
⇒ I heard Kim expressing concerns about the delays in the project timeline.