追加レッスン 47 繊細な問題を語る (1)
A: Is this a good time to discuss the situation between Lan and Kim?
B: Absolutely.
A: Good. Well, I wonder why Lan is acting so hostile toward Kim.
A: ランとキムの間の問題について、今、話しても構わないかな。
B: もちろんですよ。
A: よかった。うん、なぜランはキムへの態度があれほど敵対的なんだろうか。
【reconsider our approach to the new client 新規顧客へのアプローチを考え直す】
【summarize our ideas before moving on to the next subject 次のテーマに移る前に、私たちのアイデアをまとめる】
【discuss the consultation process and evaluation of the potential market 潜在的な市場に対するコンサルテーションのプロセスや評価について話し合う】
reconsider our approach to the new client
summarize our ideas before moving on to the next subject
discuss the consultation process and evaluation of the potential market
Is this a good time to discuss the situation between Lan and Kim?
Is this a good time to reconsider our approach to the new client?
Is this a good time to summarize our ideas before moving on to the next subject?
Is this a good time to discuss the consultation process and evaluation of the potential market?
【why he's making many careless mistakes these days なぜ最近彼のケアレスミスが多いのか】
【what made him so nervous in the monthly one-on-one meeting なぜ彼が月1回の1on1(ワンオンワン)ミーティングでそんなに緊張したのか】
【when they will send the updated list of the authorized signatories いつ正式な署名権限者の最新のリストが送られてくるのか】
(注:authorized signatoryは「署名権限者」の意味。authorized signer と同意だが、よりフォーマルな言い方。)
【how our sales team identifies customers' potential needs and recommends our products どのようにして営業チームは顧客の潜在的なニーズを把握し、当社製品を勧めるのか】
why he's making many careless mistakes these days
what made him so nervous in the monthly one-on-one meeting
when they will send the updated list of the authorized signatories
how our sales team identifies customers' potential needs and recommends our products
I wonder why Lan is acting so hostile toward Kim.
I wonder why he's making many careless mistakes these days.
I wonder what made him so nervous in the monthly one-on-one meeting.
I wonder when they will send the updated list of the authorized signatories.
I wonder how our sales team identifies customers' potential needs and recommends our products.