
追加レッスン 52 繊細な問題を語る (5)






A: I feel like I’m not really taken seriously here.
B: What do you mean? Why do you feel that way?
A: For example, I did not get ANY support from my team members when something urgent came up last week. And I DID ask for their help.
B: I’m sorry to hear that... If I were you, I would talk to your boss about the situation.
A: You think so? Hmm. Maybe I should have talked to her yesterday... Well, thanks for listening to me.

A: この会社で自分がマジメに受け取られていないような気がするんです。
B: どういうことだい?なぜ、そういう風に感じるんだい?
A: たとえば先週、緊急の仕事があったとき、私のチームメンバーの誰っからもサポートがなかったんです。彼らの助けを頼んだのにそうなんです。
B: それは気の毒だね。私が君だったら、その状況について上司と話すだろうね。
A: そう思いますか?う~ん・・・。きのう彼女と話すべきだったかも知れませんね。 話を聞いて下さってありがとうございます。


If I were you, I would talk to your boss about the situation.

【avoid making any hasty decisions 性急な決断を避ける】
If I were you, I would avoid making any hasty decisions.

【ask your boss for her opinion before making a decision 決断する前に上司の意見を聞く】
If I were you, I would ask my boss for her opinion before making a decision.

【go ahead and tell the whole story 思い切って全ての事のいきさつを話す】
If I were you, I would go ahead and tell the whole story.

【get it in writing 書面でもらう】
If I were you, I would get it in writing.

【negotiate a pay raise 昇給の交渉をする】
If I were you, I would negotiate a pay raise.

【call them no later than noon today 遅くとも今日の正午までに彼らに電話する】
If I were you, I would call them no later than noon today.


I should have talked to her.

【listen to him when he brings this up この話を持ち出した時、彼の話に耳を傾ける】
I should have listened to him when he brought this up.
I could have listened to him when he brought this up.

【be open-minded toward his view 彼の意見に対し心を広く保つ】
I could have been open-minded toward his view.
They would have been open-minded toward his view.

【involve her in this project from the beginning 最初から彼女をこのプロジェクトに参加させる】
They would have involved her in this project from the beginning.
I should have involved her in this project from the beginning.

【assist him with the remaining tasks 彼の残務処理を手伝う】
I should have assisted him with the remaining tasks.
They should have assisted him with the remaining tasks.

【double-check the attachment before sending it 送信する前に、添付ファイルをダブルチェックする】
They should have double-checked the attachment before sending it.
She would have double-checked the attachment before sending it.

【explain the current issue to the client before receiving the complaint クレームを受ける前に、現在発生している問題を顧客に説明する】
She would have explained the current issue to the client before receiving the complaint
We could have explained the current issue to the client before receiving the complaint

