追加レッスン 56 選択肢 (1)
A: As we all know, we’re considering expanding our business into other parts of the country. What are our options?
B: We could try to find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
A: What are the pros and cons of that?
A: みんなも承知の通り、ビジネスをこの国の別の地域に拡張することを考えている。どんな選択肢があるかな?
B: 評判のいいエージェントを見つける努力をして営業業務は全て任せることも可能ね。
A: その案のプラスとマイナスの点はなんだろう?
【give him a chance one last time 最後にもう一度だけ、彼にチャンスを与える】
【press them to work faster 彼らにもっと早く仕事をするように圧力をかける】【allocate the staff members to the highest-priority projects 優先順位の高いプロジェクトにスタッフを割り当てる】
【build a premium brand to attract higher-paying customers より高い対価を得る顧客を獲得するために、高級ブランドを構築する】
【add cost-efficient practices into our project management プロジェクトマネジメントにコスト効率の高い手法を取り入れる】
【gather fresh ideas and challenge the status quo 斬新なアイデアを取り入れ、現状に挑戦する】
【develop detailed plans based on the company's overall strategy 会社全体の戦略に基づいて、詳細な計画を立案する】
give him a chance one last time
press them to work faster
allocate the staff members to the highest-priority projects
build a premium brand to attract higher-paying customers
add cost-efficient practices into our project management
gather fresh ideas and challenge the status quo
develop detailed plans based on the company's overall strategy
We could try to find reputable agents to do all the sales work.
We could try to give him a chance one last time.
We could try to press them to work faster.
We could try to allocate the staff members to the highest-priority projects.
We could try to build a premium brand to attract higher-paying customers.
We could try to add cost-efficient practices into our project management.
We could try to gather fresh ideas and challenge the status quo.
We could try to develop detailed plans based on the company's overall strategy.