追加レッスン 6 指示を与える (6) 【ドリル】
Would you order new supplies?
【allow me to record the meeting この会議の録画を許可する】
【click the "Raise-Hand" button first to speak up 発言時には先に「手を挙げる」ボタンをクリックする】
【put yourself on mute when you are not talking 話していない時はミュートにする】
【share the material in the meeting chat ミーティングチャットに資料を共有する】
【share your screen to explain what you're saying あなたが話していることを説明するために画面を共有する】
【turn off screen sharing 共有画面を解く】
【make sure you're on mute ミュートになっているか確認する】
【use the "poll" feature to cast your votes 投票機能を使って投票する】
【use the meeting chat to share your comments ミーティングチャットであなたの意見を共有する】
allow me to record the meeting
click the "Raise-Hand" button first to speak up
put yourself on mute when you are not talking
share the material in the meeting chat
share your screen to explain what you're saying
turn off screen sharing
make sure you're on mute
use the "poll" feature to cast your votes
use the meeting chat to share your comments
Would you order new supplies?
Would you allow me to record the meeting?
Would you click the "Raise-Hand" button first to speak up?
I need you to click the "Raise-Hand" button first to speak up.
I need you to put yourself on mute when you are not talking.
I need you to share the material in the meeting chat.
Can you share the material in the meeting chat?
Can you share your screen to explain what you're saying?
Can you turn off screen sharing?
Can you make sure you're on mute?
Can you please make sure you're on mute?
Can you please use the "poll" feature to cast your votes?
Can you please use the meeting chat to share your comments?