
追加レッスン 62 誤解の訂正・相手の意見の確認 (2)






A: So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
B: I’m afraid you’re missing the point. What I said was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.

A: というわけで、 ケンジが前回のミーティングで言っていたように、パフォーマンスの低い社員を取り除くための新しい人事考課制度が欲しいんだ。
B: 悪いけど、それは論点を理解してないな。 僕が言ったのは より高いパフォーマンスと生産性に結びつくシステムが必要だってことだよ。


【it is important to be straightforward 単刀直入であることは、重要だ】
【your team will follow when you are honest and ethical もしあなたが率直で倫理的であれば、チームはついてくる】


it is important to be straightforward
your team will follow when you are honest and ethical


So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, we want a new performance appraisal system to weed out poor performers.
というわけで、 ケンジが前回のミーティングで言っていたように、パフォーマンスの低い社員を取り除くための新しい人事考課制度が欲しいんだ。

So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, it is important to be straightforward.
So as Kenji was saying during the last meeting, your team will follow when you are honest and ethical.


【some employees are more sensitive than others 従業員の中には、他の人よりも傷つきやすい人がいる】
【being ethical in business is not easy, given the intense competition ビジネスにおいて激しい競争を考えると倫理的であることを優先するのは難しい】
(※ given+名詞で、~を考慮に入れると、~を考えるとの意味になります。consideringで言い換えも可能です。)


some employees are more sensitive than others
being ethical in business is not easy, given the intense competition


What I said was that we need a system which leads to better performance and productivity.
僕が言ったのは より高いパフォーマンスと生産性に結びつくシステムが必要だってことだよ。

What I said was that some employees are more sensitive than others.
What I said was that being ethical in business is not easy, given the intense competition.


A: Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award?
B: No. What I’m saying is that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.

A: 間違っていたら訂正して欲しいのだけど、月間のMVP 賞を始めるのはいいアイデアではないと言う訳ですか?
B: いや。僕が言ってるのは、それが人気コンテストにならないように注意深くある必要があるってことだよ。


【our employees don't need to take greater ownership of the project 社員がプロジェクトに対してより責任を持つ必要はない】
【it is not necessary to set clear employee goals and expectations 従業員の目標や期待を明確に設定する必要はない】


our employees don't need to take greater ownership of the project
it is not necessary to set clear employee goals and expectations


Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it's not a good idea to start a monthly MVP award?
間違っていたら訂正して欲しいのだけど、月間のMVP 賞を始めるのはいいアイデアではないと言う訳ですか?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying our employees don't need to take greater ownership of the project?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying it is not necessary to set clear employee goals and expectations?


【the ultimate responsibility of the project lies with the manager プロジェクトの最終的な責任は、マネージャーにある】
【it is not always easy to set measurable goals 測定可能な目標を設定するのは、必ずしも容易ではない】


the ultimate responsibility of the project lies with the manager
it is not always easy to set measurable goals


No. What I’m saying is that we have to be cautious not to make it into a popularity contest.

No. What I’m saying is that the ultimate responsibility of the project lies with the manager.
No. What I’m saying is that it is not always easy to set measurable goals.

