
LESSON 16 問題点の指摘 (3)






A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to use the project management software.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of keeping everyone informed.

A: なんかカリカリしてるみたいだね。どうしたんだい?
B: 新入社員の何名かはプロジェクト管理ソフトの使い方がわからないみたいなのよ。
A: そいつはよくないな。全員に情報を行き渡らせておくことの重要性を彼らにしっかりわからせないとな。


【keep everyone informed 全員に情報を行き渡らせておく】
【respond to our customers right away 顧客に即座に応答する】
【pay attention to details 細かい点に気を配る】
【follow 5S guidance 5Sガイドラインに従う】
【follow the proper procedure 正規のプロセスに従う】
【be proactive to prevent problems トラブルを防ぐため、事前対策を講じる】
(proactive (行動などが)先を見越した)


keep everyone informed
respond to our customers right away
pay attention to details
follow 5S guidance
follow the proper procedure
be proactive to prevent problems


Let’s make sure they understand the importance of keeping everyone informed.

Let’s make sure they understand the importance of responding to our customers right away.
Let’s make sure they understand the importance of paying attention to details.
Let’s make sure they understand the importance of following 5S guidance.
Let’s make sure they understand the importance of following the proper procedure.
Let’s make sure they understand the importance of being proactive to prevent problems.


It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to use the project management software.

【how to use the project management software プロジェクト管理ソフトの使い方】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to use the project management software.

【how to expedite an order 注文を迅速に処理する方法、急送(発送)する方法】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to expedite an order.

【what to look for in an inspection 検査でどういったポイントを見るか】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know what to look for in an inspection.

【where to store the tools どこに道具を保管するか】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know where to store the tools.

【who to contact in case of emergency 緊急の場合に誰にコンタクトするか】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know who to contact in case of emergency.

【which supplies to order and when to do so どのオフィス用品を、いつ注文するか】
It seems that some of the new employees don’t know which supplies to order and when to do so.


A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to use the project management software.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of keeping everyone informed.


A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to use the project management software.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of keeping everyone informed.

A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know how to expedite an order.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of responding to our customers right away.

A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know what to look for in an inspection.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of paying attention to details.


A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know what to look for in an inspection.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of paying attention to details.

A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know where to store the tools.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of following 5S guidance.

A: You look upset. What’s the matter?
B: It seems that some of the new employees don’t know who to contact in case of emergency.
A: That’s not good. Let’s make sure they understand the importance of following the proper procedure.




1. 息の速度を速くして発音する
2. 声より息を優先する


